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What to Do If You’re in a Hit and Run Accident in New Jersey (2024)

new jersey hit and run accident steps
Learn the crucial New Jersey hit and run accident steps to take in 2023 for ensuring your safety and legal rights are protected.

Did you know that hit and run accidents are a common occurrence in New Jersey? In fact, according to recent data, there were over X,XXX reported hit and run accidents in the state last year alone. These accidents can result in significant property damage, injuries, and even fatalities. If you find yourself in such a situation, it’s crucial to know what steps to take to protect yourself and ensure that justice is served.

Key Takeaways:

  • Report the hit and run to the police immediately.
  • Provide detailed information about the incident, including descriptions of the vehicles and direction traveled.
  • Document your injuries and vehicle damage with photographs.
  • Seek medical attention for any injuries sustained.
  • Contact your insurance company to file a claim for repairs and medical expenses.

Understanding Hit and Run Accidents in New Jersey

Hit and run accidents are a serious issue in New Jersey, with recent data showing a significant number of crashes and fatalities. It is essential to understand the laws and consequences associated with hit and run accidents in the state. New Jersey Revised Statute Sections 39:4-129 outlines the requirements for drivers involved in an accident, including stopping at the scene and providing necessary information to the parties involved. The penalties for leaving the scene of an accident in New Jersey can range from fines and license suspension to jail time, depending on the severity of the accident. It is important for all drivers to be aware of their responsibilities and the potential consequences of committing a hit and run.

What to Do If You Witness a Hit and Run in New Jersey

If you witness a hit and run in New Jersey, it is our legal obligation to report it to the police. By staying at the scene and providing valuable information, we can help the victim of a hit and run seek compensation for their losses.

“Reporting a hit and run is not only the right thing to do, but it can also make a significant difference in the victim’s ability to recover damages. As witnesses, we play a crucial role in assisting law enforcement and ensuring that justice is served.” – Attorney Robert Johnson

It is important to stay on the scene and not attempt to pursue the fleeing driver, as it can be dangerous and lead to further complications. Instead, immediately contact law enforcement and provide them with any relevant details, such as the license plate number, vehicle description, and physical description of the individual if possible.

In a hit and run situation, eyewitness accounts are invaluable in helping law enforcement identify and apprehend the responsible party. The information provided by witnesses can serve as crucial evidence in a criminal investigation and can also aid the victim in pursuing a civil claim for damages.

Here are the steps to take if you witness a hit and run:

  1. Stay at the scene: Your presence provides stability and support for the victim and helps preserve the integrity of the incident.
  2. Safely assist the victim: If the victim requires immediate medical attention, call 911 and provide any necessary assistance while waiting for emergency services to arrive.
  3. Call the police: Contact your local law enforcement agency to report the hit and run incident. Provide them with as much information as possible, including a detailed description of the fleeing vehicle and any identifying features of the driver.
  4. Document the scene: Take note of any details that can help with the investigation, such as the time, date, and location of the incident. If it is safe to do so, take photographs or make sketches of the scene, including tire marks or debris left behind.
  5. Look for witnesses: Speak with others who may have seen the incident and ask them to provide statements to the police. Witness testimonies can strengthen the case and provide additional perspectives.

Support the Victim

Encourage the victim to contact a lawyer who specializes in personal injury cases and understands the complexities of hit and run accidents. A skilled attorney can guide them through the legal process, advise on insurance claims, and explore any other legal options available. The victim should also notify their insurance provider and cooperate with their investigation.

Remember, witnessing a hit and run is a responsibility we all share as members of our community. By promptly reporting these incidents and providing accurate information, we contribute to making our streets safer and helping victims seek the justice they deserve.

We must be proactive and responsible in our actions, as our involvement can make a significant difference in the outcome of hit and run cases in New Jersey.

Steps to Take if You Witness a Hit and Run in New Jersey
Stay at the scene
Safely assist the victim
Call the police
Document the scene
Look for witnesses

Steps to Take If Your Parked Car Was Damaged in a Hit and Run

Discovering that your parked car has been damaged in a hit and run can be frustrating and disheartening. However, there are steps you can take to address the situation.

  1. Call the police: As soon as you discover the damage, call the police and stay at the scene to make a report. A police report is essential for insurance purposes and may help in identifying the responsible party.
  2. Look for witnesses: Check if there are any witnesses who may have seen the accident. Ask them for their contact information and if they are willing to provide a statement.
  3. Check for surveillance cameras: Inquire if there are any surveillance cameras in the area that may have captured the hit and run incident. If so, note the location of the cameras and contact the property owner or manager to request the footage.
  4. Document the damage: Take detailed photos of your vehicle from all angles, including its placement in the parking spot. These photos will serve as evidence of the damage.
  5. Note the incident details: Make a note of the location, time, and date of the hit and run incident. This information may be helpful for insurance purposes and any potential legal actions.
  6. Contact your insurance company: Report the hit and run to your insurance company as soon as possible. Provide them with all the relevant details, including the police report, witness statements, and photographs. Inquire about filing a claim for the damages to your parked car.

By following these steps, you can take proactive measures to address the impact of a hit and run on your parked car. Reporting the incident to the police and your insurance company is essential to protect your legal rights and seek compensation for the damages.

Example of Surveillance Camera Footage Request:

“Dear Property Owner/Manager,

I hope this email finds you well. My name is [Your Name], and I am writing to inquire if there are any surveillance cameras installed on your property located at [Address]. On [Date], between [Time Range], my parked car was damaged in a hit and run incident. I was wondering if any of your cameras may have captured the incident, as it occurred in close proximity to your property.

If there are surveillance cameras, I kindly request your assistance in reviewing the footage or providing it to the local police department. Any assistance you can provide in this matter would be greatly appreciated. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me if you require any additional information or have any questions.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

[Your Name]”

Steps to Take If Your Parked Car Was Damaged in a Hit and Run
1. Call the police
2. Look for witnesses
3. Check for surveillance cameras
4. Document the damage
5. Note the incident details
6. Contact your insurance company

Filing an Insurance Claim After a Hit and Run Accident

If you have been involved in a hit and run accident, it is crucial to file an insurance claim to seek compensation for the damages and medical care you require.

  1. If you have uninsured motorist coverage, you can make a claim under this policy if you are unable to identify the responsible driver.
  2. If you do not have uninsured motorist coverage, you may still be able to make a claim under your collision coverage if it is included in your policy.

Contact your insurance company as soon as possible after the hit and run to report the incident and provide them with any relevant documentation.

Submit photos of the damage to your vehicle and the police report, if available. These documents can serve as evidence to support your claim.

Remember to include any medical reports or bills related to the injuries you sustained in the accident. This will help your insurance company assess the extent of your medical expenses.

Insurance companies often require specific forms and documentation to process hit and run claims. It is important to follow their instructions and provide all requested information promptly.

Example Insurance Claim Checklist:

Items to Include in the Claim
Photos of the vehicle damage
Police report documenting the hit and run
Medical reports and bills related to injuries
Any additional supporting documents or evidence

By promptly filing an insurance claim and providing all necessary documentation, you can increase the chances of receiving the compensation you deserve for your hit and run accident.

Consult an Attorney for Legal Options in Hit and Run Cases

In some hit and run cases, it can be challenging to identify or locate the responsible driver. If you find yourself unable to receive adequate compensation from your insurance claim or if you have suffered significant injuries and financial losses, it is crucial to consult an attorney to explore your legal options.

An experienced personal injury lawyer can review the details of your case and gather the necessary evidence to support your claim. They will be your advocate, representing your interests and fighting to seek the compensation you deserve.

Hit and run accidents can be legally complex, and having a knowledgeable attorney by your side is invaluable. They can navigate the intricacies of New Jersey law and help you understand your rights throughout the process.

To ensure that you meet any applicable deadlines for filing a lawsuit, it is essential to consult an attorney as soon as possible. They will guide you through the legal proceedings, provide expert advice, and work diligently to achieve a favorable outcome on your behalf.

Consulting an attorney for hit and run accidents is especially crucial when the responsible driver cannot be found. They will explore alternative legal avenues to maximize your chances of receiving fair compensation for your injuries, damages, and other losses.

“When faced with a hit and run situation, consulting an attorney is your best course of action. They will protect your rights, advocate for your interests, and help you navigate the legal complexities of hit and run accidents.”

How an Attorney Can Assist You:

  • Review your case and gather evidence to support your claim.
  • Represent your interests and negotiate with insurance companies on your behalf.
  • File a lawsuit, if necessary, to seek compensation for your injuries and damages.
  • Navigate the legal complexities of hit and run accidents in New Jersey.
  • Help you understand your rights and legal options throughout the process.

Seeking Justice and Fair Compensation

While the aftermath of a hit and run accident can be challenging, consulting an attorney can provide the guidance and support you need to pursue justice and fair compensation. They will handle the legal aspects of your case, allowing you to focus on healing and recovery.

Remember, the responsible party should be held accountable for their actions, and you have the right to seek the compensation you deserve. By consulting an attorney, you can explore all available legal options and work towards a resolution that will help you move forward.

Benefits of Consulting an Attorney Reasons to Consult an Attorney
Knowledge and Experience In-depth Understanding of the Law
Legal Guidance and Support Protection of Your Rights
Maximization of Compensation Navigating the Complexities of Hit and Run Cases
Expert Negotiation Skills Ensuring Fair Treatment and Compensation

Consulting an attorney is an essential step in seeking justice and fair compensation after a hit and run accident. They will be your advocate, providing you with legal guidance, support, and expert representation throughout the process.

Always Get Medical Attention First

Your health and well-being should be our top priority after a hit and run accident. Even if you do not initially feel any severe pain or injuries, it is important to seek medical attention promptly. Some injuries may not be immediately apparent and could worsen over time without proper medical treatment.

Visiting a healthcare professional who can evaluate your condition, document your injuries, and provide any necessary treatment is crucial. They will be able to diagnose any underlying issues and provide the appropriate care. Additionally, medical records and documentation will also serve as important evidence if you decide to file an insurance claim or pursue legal action.

Remember, seeking medical attention after a hit and run accident ensures that your injuries are properly assessed and treated, promoting your overall well-being and aiding in the legal process.

Reasons to Seek Medical Attention Potential Consequences
1. Hidden or Delayed Injuries: Some injuries may not be immediately apparent, especially in the adrenaline-filled moments after an accident. Professionals can identify and treat hidden or delayed injuries, ensuring your health and recovery. 1. Worsening Conditions: Without proper medical attention, hidden or delayed injuries can worsen over time, causing more pain, suffering, and potential complications.
2. Documentation: Medical records provide concrete evidence of your injuries, supporting your insurance claim and any potential legal proceedings. 2. Insufficient Evidence: Without medical documentation, it becomes more challenging to prove the severity and impact of your injuries in insurance negotiations or court.
3. Post-Traumatic Stress: Being involved in a hit and run accident can be emotionally traumatic, even if you don’t have any physical injuries. Seeking medical attention can help with emotional support and provide recommendations for counseling or therapy if needed. 3. Long-Term Emotional Impact: If left untreated, the emotional impact of a hit and run accident can develop into long-term mental health issues, affecting your overall well-being and quality of life.

Remember, getting medical attention after a hit and run accident is not only essential for your immediate well-being but also plays a crucial role in any potential legal proceedings or insurance claims. Don’t hesitate to seek the necessary medical care to ensure your safety and protect your rights.

Report Hit and Run to Police Immediately

When you find yourself involved in a hit and run accident, it is crucial to report the incident to the police right away. By contacting your local law enforcement agency and providing them with all relevant details, you can initiate an official police report that documents the hit and run. This report will be essential when filing an insurance claim or seeking legal recourse.

Cooperating fully with the police during their investigation is important. Be prepared to provide a description of the incident, including the exact location, time, and date. Any available information about the fleeing vehicle, such as its make, model, color, or license plate number, should also be reported to the police.

If you have spoken to any witnesses at the scene, make sure to inform the police and provide their contact information. Witness testimony can play a critical role in identifying the responsible driver and holding them accountable for their actions.

Remember, the sooner you report the hit and run to the police, the better chance there is of locating the responsible party. Prompt action can significantly impact the outcome of your case and increase the likelihood of receiving the compensation you deserve.

Report Hit and Run to Police

Key Points:

  • Contact your local law enforcement agency immediately to report the hit and run.
  • Provide the police with a detailed description of the incident and any available information about the fleeing vehicle.
  • Cooperate fully with the police during their investigation and provide any requested information or evidence.
  • Inform the police if you have spoken to any witnesses and provide their contact information.

Provide Detailed Vehicle Descriptions and Direction Traveled

When reporting a hit and run to the police, it is crucial to provide a comprehensive and accurate description of the fleeing vehicle. The more specific information you can provide, the greater the chances of law enforcement locating the responsible driver.

Include details such as the make, model, color, and license plate number of the vehicle, if possible. Providing a detailed description helps law enforcement identify the vehicle among numerous others and increases the likelihood of a successful investigation.

If you witnessed the hit and run incident, try to remember the direction in which the vehicle traveled after the accident. This information can be invaluable in tracking down the driver and holding them accountable for their actions.

“The more detailed your description, the higher the likelihood of law enforcement locating the responsible driver.”

If you are unsure about any aspect of the vehicle’s description, do not speculate or guess. It is important to only provide information that you are certain about to avoid potentially misleading the investigation.

Remember, accuracy is key when reporting a hit and run. Providing a detailed vehicle description and the direction traveled helps law enforcement bring justice to the responsible party and ensures a safer community for all.

Information to Provide Description
Make The manufacturer or brand of the vehicle (e.g., Toyota, Ford, Honda)
Model The specific model of the vehicle (e.g., Camry, Mustang, Civic)
Color The color of the vehicle’s exterior (e.g., blue, black, silver)
License Plate Number The alphanumeric code displayed on the vehicle’s license plate
Direction Traveled The route the vehicle took after the hit and run incident

Document Injuries and Vehicle Damage with Photos

After a hit and run accident, it is crucial to document your injuries and vehicle damage with photographs. Taking clear and detailed photos can provide valuable evidence when filing an insurance claim or seeking legal action. Here are the necessary steps to document your injuries and vehicle damage:

1. Capture Injuries

Take photographs of any visible injuries you sustained in the accident, such as cuts, bruises, or swelling. Make sure the photos are clear and well-lit to accurately depict the extent of your injuries. These images can help demonstrate the impact of the accident and support your claim for compensation.

2. Document Vehicle Damage

Thoroughly document the damage to your vehicle by taking photos from multiple angles, both inside and out. Capture any dents, scratches, or other visible damages to your vehicle’s exterior. Additionally, photograph the interior if there is any damage to the seats, dashboard, or other components. These images will serve as crucial evidence when assessing the extent of the property damage caused by the hit and run.

3. Time and Context

Include the date and time in your photographs to establish the connection between the accident and the captured injuries and vehicle damage. Contextualize the images by taking photos of the accident scene, such as skid marks or debris, if applicable. These additional photos can provide a clearer understanding of the circumstances surrounding the hit and run.

Remember, it is essential to capture the condition of your injuries and vehicle as close to the time of the accident as possible. These photographs can strengthen your case and help ensure you receive the compensation you deserve.

Review Business or Home Surveillance Footage if Available

If the hit and run incident occurred near a business or your home, it is worth checking for any available surveillance footage. Contact the property owner or manager and inquire about the existence of cameras that may have captured the accident. If footage is available, request a copy or ask if they can provide it to the police or your attorney.

Surveillance footage can provide valuable evidence in identifying the responsible driver and strengthening your case. By reviewing the footage, you may be able to obtain important details such as the license plate number or a clear visual of the vehicle involved. This evidence can be crucial in helping law enforcement locate the hit and run driver and holding them accountable for their actions.

It is important to act quickly to preserve any surveillance footage, as it may be overwritten or deleted after a certain period of time. Time is of the essence in a hit and run case, so it is recommended to reach out to the property owner or manager as soon as possible to ensure the footage is secured for investigation purposes.

Note: If you have any trouble accessing or preserving the footage, consult an attorney who specializes in hit and run cases. They can assist you in navigating the legal process and ensuring that all relevant evidence is appropriately obtained and utilized.

review surveillance footage hit and run

In the next section, we will discuss the steps involved in filing an insurance claim after a hit and run accident. Stay tuned!

File Insurance Claim for Repairs and Medical Care

After experiencing a hit and run accident, it is crucial to file an insurance claim to cover the costs of vehicle repairs and medical care. Taking prompt action can help to ensure that you receive the necessary compensation. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Contact your insurance company: Reach out to your insurance provider as soon as possible after the incident. Inform them about the hit and run accident and provide all necessary information, including the police report, photographs of the damages, and documentation of your injuries. Be prepared to answer any questions they may have, and ensure that you are familiar with the details of your insurance policy, including coverage limits and deductibles.
  2. Discuss coverage options: Depending on your policy, your insurance company may be able to reimburse you for the repairs to your vehicle and the medical expenses you have incurred as a result of the hit and run. Discuss the coverage options available to you and make sure you understand the specifics of your policy.
  3. Provide supporting documentation: To strengthen your insurance claim, provide your insurer with any relevant documentation, such as the police report, photographs of the damages, and any medical records or bills related to your injuries. This documentation will support your claim and validate the extent of the damages and costs incurred.

By filing an insurance claim, you can seek the financial support needed to restore your vehicle and cover any necessary medical treatment. It is crucial to act promptly and provide your insurance company with accurate and comprehensive information to facilitate the claims process.

If you need further assistance with your insurance claim or have questions about your policy coverage, consider consulting with an attorney who specializes in personal injury cases. They can provide valuable guidance and ensure that your rights are protected throughout the claims process.

Consult Attorney to Explore Legal Options If Driver Not Found

If the driver responsible for the hit and run cannot be located, it may be necessary to consult an attorney to explore your legal options. An experienced personal injury lawyer can review the details of your case and advise you on potential courses of action. They can help gather evidence, negotiate with insurance companies, or file a lawsuit on your behalf. Seeking legal representation can increase your chances of receiving fair compensation for your injuries, damages, and other losses.

Our team of experienced attorneys understands the complexities of hit and run cases and can guide you through the legal process with expertise and compassion. We will thoroughly investigate your case, gather evidence, and advocate for your rights. Our goal is to help you secure the compensation you deserve for your physical, emotional, and financial damages.

Why Consult an Attorney?

  1. An attorney can navigate the legal complexities of hit and run accidents and help you understand your rights under the law.
  2. They can assess the strength of your case and determine the best legal strategy to pursue.
  3. Attorneys have experience negotiating with insurance companies to ensure you receive a fair settlement.
  4. If necessary, an attorney can file a lawsuit on your behalf and represent you in court.
  5. Legal representation can relieve the burden of dealing with the legal process on your own, allowing you to focus on your recovery.

Contact our law firm today to schedule a consultation with one of our experienced attorneys. We will evaluate your case, answer your questions, and provide guidance on the next steps to take.

Our Commitment to You

At our law firm, we are dedicated to providing exceptional legal representation to victims of hit and run accidents. With our extensive knowledge and experience in personal injury law, we will fight tirelessly to protect your rights and pursue the compensation you deserve. You can trust us to handle your case with professionalism, empathy, and determination.

Remember, time is of the essence in hit and run cases. Statutes of limitations may apply, so it’s important to consult an attorney as soon as possible to ensure you meet any deadlines for filing a lawsuit. Contact us today for a confidential consultation and let us help you explore your legal options.


Being involved in a hit and run accident can be a traumatic experience, but taking the appropriate steps can help protect your legal rights and ensure your safety. In New Jersey, it is crucial to report the incident to the police immediately and provide them with as much information as possible, including detailed descriptions of the vehicles involved and direction traveled. Document your injuries and vehicle damage with photographs, and seek medical attention for any injuries sustained. File an insurance claim to cover the costs of repairs and medical care, and consider consulting an attorney to explore your legal options if the responsible driver is not found. By following these steps, you can navigate the aftermath of a hit and run accident more effectively.


What should I do if I’m in a hit and run accident in New Jersey?

Always prioritize your safety and seek medical attention first. Then, report the hit and run to the police immediately and provide them with detailed descriptions of the vehicles involved and the direction traveled. Document your injuries and vehicle damage with photos. File an insurance claim for repairs and medical care, and consult an attorney to explore legal options if the responsible driver is not found.

What are hit and run accidents, and what are the consequences in New Jersey?

Hit and run accidents occur when a person leaves the scene of an accident without stopping and providing necessary information. In New Jersey, the penalties for leaving the scene of an accident can range from fines and license suspension to jail time, depending on the severity of the accident.

What should I do if I witness a hit and run in New Jersey?

As a witness, it is your legal obligation to report the hit and run to the police. Stay at the scene and provide law enforcement with any relevant information, such as the license plate number, vehicle description, and physical description of the individual if possible. Encourage the victim to contact a lawyer and their insurance provider for support and compensation.

What steps should I take if my parked car was damaged in a hit and run?

Call the police and stay at the scene to make a report. Look for witnesses and check if there are any surveillance cameras in the area that may have captured the incident. Take detailed photos of your vehicle from all angles and note the location, time, and date of the incident. Report the hit and run to your insurance company and inquire about filing a claim for repairs.

How do I file an insurance claim after a hit and run accident?

Contact your insurance company as soon as possible after the incident and provide them with all the necessary information, including the police report, photos of the damage, and documentation of your injuries. Depending on your policy, you may be able to file a claim under uninsured motorist coverage or collision coverage. Review your policy to understand your coverage limits and deductibles.

When should I consult an attorney after a hit and run accident?

If you cannot receive adequate compensation from your insurance claim or if you have suffered significant injuries and financial losses, it may be necessary to consult an attorney. They can review your case, gather evidence, and represent your interests to seek the compensation you deserve. Contact an attorney as soon as possible to ensure you meet any applicable deadlines for filing a lawsuit.

Should I seek medical attention after a hit and run accident?

Yes, always prioritize your health and seek medical attention promptly. Even if you don’t initially feel severe pain or injuries, some injuries may not be immediately apparent and can worsen without proper treatment. Visit a healthcare professional who can evaluate your condition, document your injuries, and provide necessary treatment.

Why is it important to report a hit and run to the police immediately?

Reporting a hit and run to the police is crucial as it officially documents the incident and provides valuable evidence for filing an insurance claim or seeking legal recourse. Contact your local law enforcement agency and provide them with all relevant information, including a description of the incident, vehicle details, and any witnesses you may have spoken to.

What information should I provide about the fleeing vehicle when reporting a hit and run to the police?

Provide as many specific details as possible, such as the make, model, color, and license plate number of the fleeing vehicle. If you observed the direction it traveled after the accident, be sure to provide that information as well. The more detailed your description, the higher the likelihood of law enforcement locating the responsible driver.

Why should I document my injuries and vehicle damage with photos after a hit and run accident?

Taking clear and detailed photos of your injuries and vehicle damage provides visual evidence of the impact of the accident. These photos can be used when filing an insurance claim or seeking legal action, as they document the condition of your injuries and vehicle at the time of the incident.

Should I review business or home surveillance footage if available after a hit and run accident?

Yes, if the hit and run occurred near a business or your home, it is worth checking for available surveillance footage. Contact the property owner or manager and inquire about the existence of cameras that may have captured the incident. Request a copy or ask if they can provide it to the police or your attorney, as surveillance footage can be valuable evidence in identifying the responsible driver.

How do I file an insurance claim for repairs and medical care after a hit and run accident?

Contact your insurance company as soon as possible after the hit and run and provide them with all necessary information, including the police report, photos of the damage, and documentation of your injuries. Depending on your policy coverage and the extent of the damages, your insurance company may be able to reimburse you for the repairs and medical expenses incurred.

What should I do if the responsible driver for the hit and run cannot be located?

If you are unable to receive adequate compensation from your insurance claim or if you have suffered significant injuries and financial losses, it may be necessary to consult an attorney to explore your legal options. They can review your case, gather evidence, and represent your interests to seek the compensation you deserve.

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