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Who Should You Sue If Injured by a Drunk Driver? (2024)

sue drunk driver injury claim
Explore your legal options to sue a drunk driver for an injury claim with our expert guidance. Pursue justice and compensation in 2024.

Did you know that in the United States, approximately 29 people die every day in alcohol-impaired vehicle crashes? That’s one death every 50 minutes due to the irresponsible actions of drunk drivers. If you have been injured in an accident caused by a drunk driver, it is essential to understand your legal rights and who you can sue for compensation.

In this article, we will explore the process of taking legal action against a drunk driver and provide valuable information on how to seek justice and compensation for your injuries. Understanding the legal avenues available to you can make a significant difference in your recovery and overall well-being.

Key Takeaways:

  • Suing a drunk driver is possible if you have been injured in an accident caused by their inebriation.
  • Establishing negligence and proving your injuries are essential in winning a lawsuit.
  • Pursuing an insurance claim is the first step, but a lawsuit may be necessary if the compensation offered is insufficient.
  • Gathering evidence, such as police reports, witness statements, and photos, can strengthen your case against the drunk driver.
  • Even if the drunk driver is charged with a DUI, you can still pursue a separate personal injury claim.

Can You Sue a Drunk Driver?

If you have been injured by an impaired driver, you have the legal right to sue them for compensation. By filing a lawsuit, you can seek justice for the harm caused by their negligent actions. To establish negligence in a drunk driving case, you can present evidence of the driver’s intoxication and any traffic violations committed.

Proving negligence is crucial in a lawsuit against a drunk driver. It involves demonstrating that the driver breached their duty of care by operating a vehicle under the influence of alcohol, which directly resulted in your injuries. This can be done through police reports, eyewitness testimonies, blood alcohol test results, and any other relevant evidence.

In addition to establishing negligence, you must also demonstrate the physical, emotional, and financial injuries you have suffered as a result of the accident. This may include medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and any other damages directly caused by the drunk driver.

If you successfully prove negligence and the extent of your injuries, you may be entitled to compensation. This could cover medical expenses, rehabilitation costs, lost earnings, property damage, and other related damages. However, it is important to consult with a qualified personal injury lawyer who specializes in drunk driving cases to ensure your legal rights are protected and you receive the full compensation you deserve.

“Suing a drunk driver is not only about seeking financial compensation. It is also about holding them accountable for their actions and preventing future incidents from occurring. By taking legal action, you are sending a message that drunk driving is unacceptable and that those who cause harm while intoxicated will face the consequences.”

Evaluating Potential Compensation

When pursuing a lawsuit against a drunk driver, it is crucial to understand the potential compensation you may be eligible to receive. This can vary depending on various factors, including the severity of your injuries, the impact on your daily life, and the available insurance coverage.

A skilled personal injury lawyer can assess your case and calculate a fair and reasonable compensation amount based on the specific circumstances of your situation. They will consider both economic damages, such as medical expenses and lost wages, as well as non-economic damages, including pain and suffering and emotional distress.

Justice and Accountability

By suing a drunk driver, you not only seek financial restitution for the harm caused but also pursue justice and accountability. Holding the responsible party liable for their actions can serve as a deterrent to others and raise awareness about the dangers of drunk driving. It is an important step towards ensuring that those who choose to drive under the influence are held accountable for the damage they cause.

Benefits of Suing a Drunk Driver Considerations
Financial compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, and property damage The length of the legal process
Holding the drunk driver accountable for their actions Potential challenges in proving negligence
Deterrence of future drunk driving incidents Complexities involved in calculating damages
Raising awareness about the dangers of drunk driving Emotional toll and stress of the legal proceedings

While pursuing a lawsuit against a drunk driver can be a demanding process, it is important to remember that you have the right to seek justice and compensation for the harm you have suffered. By consulting with a knowledgeable lawyer and building a strong case, you can increase your chances of a favorable outcome and secure the restitution you deserve.

When to Sue a Drunk Driver

After a drunk driving accident, it is crucial to understand when it is appropriate to sue a drunk driver. While pursuing an insurance claim is typically the first step, there are situations where filing a lawsuit becomes necessary. This is especially true if the insurance coverage is insufficient to cover all your damages, or if your claim is denied by the insurance company.

Additionally, if the at-fault driver is uninsured or lacks adequate coverage, you may need to pursue legal action to seek the compensation you deserve. Consulting with a lawyer experienced in handling drunk driving cases can help you assess the value of your case and determine the best course of action.

When to Consider a Lawsuit:

If any of the following situations apply to your case, it may be necessary to sue a drunk driver:

  • The insurance coverage is insufficient to cover all your damages.
  • Your claim is denied by the insurance company, and negotiations for a fair settlement have failed.
  • The at-fault driver is uninsured or lacks adequate insurance coverage.

By pursuing a lawsuit, you can seek a settlement or court award that provides the compensation you deserve for your physical, emotional, and financial injuries. It is crucial to discuss your case with a lawyer to evaluate the viability of pursuing a lawsuit and to ensure the best possible outcome for your situation.

Remember, accepting a settlement offer without proper legal guidance may result in inadequate compensation. Consult with a knowledgeable attorney before making any decisions regarding your case.

Note: The image above illustrates the importance of pursuing a settlement or court award after being injured by a drunk driver.

Pros of Pursuing a Settlement Pros of Pursuing a Court Award
1. May expedite the compensation process. 1. Can provide a larger financial award.
2. Avoids the uncertainty and risks associated with a court trial. 2. Can set a precedent for future cases and promote accountability.
3. Allows you to negotiate terms that meet your specific needs. 3. Provides an opportunity for a fair and public determination of fault.

Gathering Evidence in Drunk Driving Accident Claims

In a drunk driving accident claim, gathering evidence is essential to establish the fault of the other driver. By presenting strong evidence, you increase your chances of a successful outcome in your case. The following are key pieces of evidence that can strengthen your claim:

1. Police Report

Obtaining a copy of the police report is crucial in drunk driving accident claims. The report may contain valuable information about the driver’s intoxication, including statements from law enforcement officers and any field sobriety tests conducted at the scene. It serves as an official record of the incident and can provide critical evidence to support your case.

2. Blood Alcohol Test Results

Collecting the blood alcohol test results of the intoxicated driver can be persuasive evidence. These test results indicate the level of alcohol in the driver’s system at the time of the accident and can further establish their impairment. If possible, gather the official documentation of the blood alcohol test to present as evidence.

3. Witness Statements

Statements from witnesses who observed the erratic driving behavior of the drunk driver can significantly strengthen your case. These witness statements can provide firsthand accounts of the driver’s actions, further substantiating their impairment. Ensure to gather contact information from willing witnesses, as their testimonies can be valuable during settlement negotiations or in court.

4. Accident Scene Photos

Accident scene photos provide visual evidence of the conditions and the aftermath of the collision. Take photos from various angles, capturing details such as skid marks, road conditions, and any relevant signage. These photos can help establish the chain of events leading up to the accident and the extent of the damages caused.

5. Vehicle Damage Images

Photographs detailing the damages to your vehicle, as well as the other vehicles involved, can help demonstrate the severity of the collision. Take pictures of the exterior and interior of the vehicles, capturing all visible damages. Additionally, obtaining expert evaluations and repair estimates can provide further evidence of the financial losses incurred as a result of the accident.

By gathering and presenting these pieces of evidence, you can build a strong case against the drunk driver. Consulting with an experienced attorney can help you navigate the evidence collection process, ensuring you have all the necessary documentation to pursue your claim effectively.

Impact of DUI Charges on a Drunk Driver Lawsuit

When pursuing a lawsuit against a drunk driver, it’s essential to consider the impact of DUI charges on your case. A DUI charge against the driver is a separate legal matter from your personal injury claim, but it can play a significant role in supporting your civil lawsuit.

While you can pursue compensation from the driver even as they deal with the criminal charge, the outcome of the DUI case is not a requirement for initiating or pursuing a claim. However, it can provide valuable evidence of the driver’s negligence and intoxication, strengthening your position in the civil lawsuit.

Having a DUI charge against the driver can facilitate your case by establishing their responsibility for the accident and providing additional evidence for proving negligence. The driver’s conviction or guilty plea in the criminal proceedings can serve as credible evidence in the civil lawsuit, reinforcing your claim for damages and just compensation.

However, it is important to note that even without a DUI conviction, a civil lawsuit can still proceed based on other evidence of the driver’s impairment and negligence, such as witness statements, accident reconstruction reports, and medical records documenting your injuries.

Remember, the primary objective of your drunk driver lawsuit is to seek compensation for the injuries and damages you have suffered due to the driver’s recklessness. Whether or not the driver faces DUI charges, you have the right to pursue justice and seek the compensation you deserve.

Dram Shop Laws in Texas

In Texas, we have Dram Shop Laws that hold businesses responsible for injuries caused by drunk drivers they served. These laws acknowledge the role of establishments in serving alcohol and place a level of accountability on them for the actions of their intoxicated patrons. Under Dram Shop Laws, if a business serves alcohol to a visibly intoxicated person who poses a danger or to a minor, they may be liable in addition to the drunk driver.

These laws recognize that businesses have a responsibility to prioritize public safety and prevent harm caused by intoxication. By holding them accountable, it provides an additional avenue for victims to seek compensation for injuries and damages resulting from drunk driving accidents.

It is important to note that proving liability under Dram Shop Laws can be complex. Consulting with a lawyer who is familiar with these laws is essential to determine if you have a viable claim against the business. They can help navigate the legal complexities and gather the necessary evidence to build a strong case.

By understanding the existence of Dram Shop Laws in Texas, you can explore all available avenues for seeking justice and compensation if you have been injured by a drunk driver. These laws not only hold individuals accountable for their actions but also acknowledge the role that businesses play in preventing drunk driving incidents.

What To Do Right After Getting Hit by a Drunk Driver

If you find yourself in the unfortunate situation of being involved in an accident with a drunk driver, it is crucial to take immediate action to protect yourself and ensure a smooth car accident insurance claim or potential lawsuit process. By following the right steps, you can safeguard your well-being and gather essential evidence to support your case.

Here are the key actions to take after getting hit by a drunk driver:

  1. Call 911 for medical assistance: The first priority is your safety and the well-being of anyone else involved. Dial emergency services to ensure that medical professionals are dispatched to the scene to provide immediate care.
  2. Contact the police: It is important to involve law enforcement in documenting the incident. Reporting the accident to the police will create an official record of the event, which will be valuable for your insurance claim or potential lawsuit. Provide accurate and detailed information about what happened and any visible signs of intoxication.
  3. Exchange insurance information: Gather the necessary information from the drunk driver, including their insurance details, contact information, and driver’s license. Similarly, make sure to provide your own relevant details to the other party involved.
  4. Document the scene: Take photos of the accident scene, including any visible damages to vehicles, road conditions, traffic signs, and intersections. These visual records can serve as crucial evidence later on. Additionally, obtain contact information from witnesses who can provide statements about the accident.

getting hit by drunk driver

Taking these steps immediately after the accident will help establish a strong foundation for your car accident insurance claim or potential lawsuit. Remember, gathering evidence and preserving documentation is vital for demonstrating the drunk driver’s responsibility and supporting your case for compensation.

Is a Drunk Driver Automatically at Fault for an Accident?

While it may seem that a drunk driver is automatically at fault for an accident, this is not always the case. To establish fault, you need to show that their intoxication directly caused or contributed to the accident. Comparative fault rules may also apply if you share some degree of responsibility for the collision.

Proving fault in a drunk driving accident requires a thorough investigation and gathering of evidence. The extent of the driver’s intoxication, the presence of any traffic violations, and their erratic behavior on the road are crucial factors that can help establish their responsibility. To strengthen your case, it is essential to collect the following evidence:

  • Police report: Obtain a copy of the police report, which often includes information about the driver’s intoxication, the circumstances of the accident, and any citations issued.
  • Blood alcohol test results: If a blood alcohol test was conducted, obtain the results as evidence of the driver’s impairment.
  • Witness statements: Collect statements from witnesses who observed the intoxicated driver’s behavior on the road.
  • Accident scene photos: Take clear and detailed photos of the accident scene, documenting any signs of intoxication, such as open containers or slurred speech.
  • Vehicle damage images: Capture photographs of the damage sustained by both vehicles involved in the accident.

By presenting a compelling case with the help of this evidence, you can establish that the drunk driver was at fault for the accident and, therefore, liable for your injuries and damages.

How Drunk Driving Accident Settlements Work

When you’ve been involved in a drunk driving accident, seeking compensation for your injuries and damages is crucial. Before resorting to filing a lawsuit, it is often beneficial to attempt to reach a settlement with the drunk driver’s insurance company. Negotiating a settlement can help you recover the financial compensation you deserve for medical expenses, lost income, property damage, and pain and suffering.

If you decide to pursue a settlement, the process typically involves the following steps:

  1. Evidence Collection: Gather all relevant evidence to support your claim, including medical records, accident reports, witness statements, and photographs of the accident scene and vehicle damage.
  2. Demand Letter: Prepare a detailed demand letter outlining your injuries, damages, and the amount you are seeking as compensation. This letter will be sent to the insurance company along with your supporting evidence.
  3. Negotiation: The insurance company will review your demand letter and may counteroffer with a lower settlement amount. You can negotiate back and forth until both parties reach a mutually agreeable settlement.
  4. Settlement Agreement: Once both parties agree on a settlement amount, a formal settlement agreement will be drafted. This agreement will outline the terms of the settlement, including the amount to be paid and the release of any further claims.
  5. Payment: Upon signing the settlement agreement, the insurance company will issue the agreed-upon settlement amount to you.

It is important to note that negotiations can sometimes be challenging, especially when dealing with insurance companies that may try to minimize their payouts. If you receive a low settlement offer that does not adequately compensate you for your injuries and damages, it may be necessary to proceed with a lawsuit.

Consulting with an experienced drunk driving accident lawyer can significantly improve your chances of obtaining a fair settlement. A lawyer can skillfully negotiate with the insurance company on your behalf, ensuring that your rights are protected and that you receive the compensation you rightly deserve. Whether it’s through settlement negotiations or legal action, the goal is to pursue justice and secure the financial support needed to move forward with your life.

drunk driving accident settlements

Victim Restitution vs. Civil DUI Lawsuits

If you’ve been injured by a drunk driver, you have legal options to seek compensation for your losses. Two common avenues for recovering damages are victim restitution through the criminal court process and filing a civil DUI lawsuit against the drunk driver.

“Restitution aims to compensate you for financial losses related to the DUI accident.”

Victim restitution is a court-ordered payment made by the offender as part of their criminal sentence. It is intended to make the victim whole by reimbursing them for expenses resulting from the DUI accident, such as medical bills, property damage, and lost wages.

On the other hand, pursuing a civil DUI lawsuit allows you to seek both economic and non-economic damages. Economic damages cover tangible costs like medical expenses, property damage, and lost wages. Non-economic damages, which are more subjective, may include pain and suffering, emotional distress, and loss of enjoyment of life.

Victim Restitution Civil DUI Lawsuit
Compensates for financial losses Compensates for economic and non-economic damages
Obtained through the criminal court process Filing a lawsuit against the drunk driver
May not cover all expenses Potential for higher compensation
Depends on the offender’s ability to pay Depends on the drunk driver’s insurance coverage and personal assets

In some cases, pursuing both victim restitution and a civil DUI lawsuit can be beneficial. Victim restitution offers a more straightforward process as it is part of the criminal case against the offender. However, it may not fully cover all your losses. Filing a civil DUI lawsuit provides an opportunity to seek additional compensation and hold the drunk driver accountable.

Can a Drunk Driver’s Passengers Sue the Driver for Injuries?

Passengers injured in accidents caused by drunk drivers have the right to sue the driver for compensation. When a passenger sustains injuries due to the driver’s negligence, they can pursue legal action to seek financial recovery for their medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages.

While the driver is typically held liable for their actions, certain factors can affect the passengers’ ability to recover full compensation. Shared fault is one such factor. If the passenger contributed to the accident or their injuries by behaving negligently or irresponsibly, their compensation may be reduced or eliminated based on the comparative fault laws in their jurisdiction.

Additionally, the passengers’ insurance coverage and the driver’s insurance policy can impact the amount of compensation recoverable. If both the passenger and the driver are insured under the same policy, the insurance company may attempt to limit the payout by considering the passenger’s coverage as already providing compensation.

Given the complexities involved in determining liability and navigating insurance claims, it is crucial for passengers to seek legal representation. A knowledgeable personal injury attorney can assess the circumstances of the case, gather evidence to support the passenger’s claim, negotiate with insurance companies, and advocate for full and fair compensation on their behalf.

By consulting with an attorney, passengers can better understand their legal rights, explore their options for filing a liability claim, and increase their chances of securing the compensation they deserve. Personal injury lawyers experienced in drunk driving cases can provide valuable guidance throughout the legal process, ensuring that passengers’ interests are protected and they receive the justice they seek.

Filing a Lawsuit Against a Drunk Driver in Illinois

In Illinois, victims of drunk driving accidents have the option to file a lawsuit against the at-fault driver. While insurance claims are often pursued first, filing a lawsuit may be necessary if the insurance coverage is insufficient or if the insurance company denies the claim. It is important to consult with an experienced lawyer to ensure compliance with the statute of limitations.

How a Drunk Driving Accident Lawyer Can Help

If you have been involved in a drunk driving accident, it is highly recommended to seek the assistance of a skilled lawyer. A drunk driving accident lawyer specializes in cases involving intoxicated drivers and can provide valuable guidance throughout the legal process. They have the knowledge and experience to navigate complex legal proceedings and fight for your rights.

One of the key roles of a drunk driving accident lawyer is to negotiate with insurance companies on your behalf. Insurance companies often try to minimize their payouts, and having an experienced lawyer by your side can help ensure that you receive the maximum compensation you deserve. Your lawyer will gather all necessary evidence, including medical records, police reports, and witness statements, to build a strong case for your claim.

“A skilled drunk driving accident lawyer can navigate the legal process and fight for your rights.”

Furthermore, a lawyer will guide you through every step of your case, from the initial consultation to settlement negotiations or trial. They will provide legal advice tailored to your situation and advocate for your best interests throughout the entire process.

Having a knowledgeable advocate on your side can significantly increase your chances of a successful outcome in your drunk driving accident case. Your lawyer will ensure that you are aware of your rights, help you understand the legal complexities involved, and represent your interests in court if necessary.

Benefits of Hiring a Drunk Driving Accident Lawyer:

  • Expertise in drunk driving accident laws and regulations
  • Extensive experience with insurance claims and negotiations
  • Access to a network of professionals such as accident reconstruction specialists and medical experts
  • Ability to gather and analyze evidence effectively
  • Strong negotiation skills to secure a fair settlement
  • Litigation experience to represent you in court, if needed

Overall, a drunk driving accident lawyer can provide you with the necessary legal support and guidance to seek compensation for your injuries, medical expenses, lost wages, and other damages. Their expertise in handling cases involving impaired drivers can make a significant difference in the outcome of your claim.

Frequently Asked Questions About Hiring a Drunk Driving Accident Lawyer

Question Answer
When should I hire a drunk driving accident lawyer? It is best to hire a lawyer as soon as possible after the accident to ensure that you meet all necessary deadlines and have legal representation throughout the process.
How much does it cost to hire a drunk driving accident lawyer? Many lawyers work on a contingency fee basis, which means they only get paid if they win your case. The fee is typically a percentage of the compensation you receive.
Can a drunk driving accident lawyer help me if the at-fault driver is uninsured? Yes, a lawyer can explore other sources of compensation, such as your own uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage or pursuing a claim against a third party, such as a business that negligently served alcohol to the driver.
How long does it take to resolve a drunk driving accident case? The duration of a case depends on various factors, such as the complexity of the case, the willingness of the insurance company to settle, and the court’s schedule. It can range from a few months to several years.


When you have been injured by a drunk driver, it is crucial to understand your legal options and take the necessary steps to pursue justice and compensation. Whether you decide to file a lawsuit or pursue an insurance claim, it is essential to consult with a lawyer experienced in drunk driving cases. They can guide you through the legal process, gather evidence, and ensure that your rights are protected.

By pursuing legal action, you can seek compensation for your injuries, medical expenses, lost income, and other damages. A successful lawsuit or insurance claim can provide the financial support you need to recover and move forward with your life. Remember to act promptly, as the statute of limitations applies to your case, and time is of the essence.

At [Law Firm Name], we understand the challenges you face after being injured by a drunk driver. Our team of experienced attorneys is dedicated to helping you pursue justice and obtain the compensation you deserve. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and let us fight for your rights.


Who should you sue if injured by a drunk driver?

If you are injured by a drunk driver, you can file a lawsuit against them to seek compensation.

Can you sue a drunk driver?

Yes, you can sue a drunk driver if they caused your injuries in an accident.

When should you sue a drunk driver?

You should consider suing a drunk driver if the insurance coverage is not enough to cover your damages, if your insurance claim is denied, or if the driver is uninsured.

How can you gather evidence in drunk driving accident claims?

To strengthen your case, gather evidence such as the police report, blood alcohol test results, witness statements, accident scene photos, and vehicle damage images.

What is the impact of DUI charges on a drunk driver lawsuit?

DUI charges against the drunk driver are separate from your personal injury claim. While the outcome of the DUI case can support your civil lawsuit, it is not a requirement for pursuing a claim.

What are Dram Shop Laws in Texas?

Dram Shop Laws hold businesses responsible for injuries caused by drunk drivers they served. If a business serves alcohol to a visibly intoxicated person or a minor, they may be liable in addition to the drunk driver.

What should you do right after getting hit by a drunk driver?

After getting hit, call 911 for medical assistance, contact the police to document the incident, exchange insurance information, and document the scene with photos and witness information.

Is a drunk driver automatically at fault for an accident?

While it may seem that way, it is not always the case. To establish fault, you need to show that the driver’s intoxication directly caused or contributed to the accident.

How do drunk driving accident settlements work?

Before filing a lawsuit, it is often beneficial to attempt to negotiate a settlement with the drunk driver’s insurance company. This can help you recover compensation for damages such as medical expenses, lost income, property damage, and pain and suffering.

What is the difference between victim restitution and civil DUI lawsuits?

Victim restitution is sought through the criminal court process to compensate for financial losses related to the DUI accident. A civil lawsuit, on the other hand, involves seeking compensation through a legal claim for economic and non-economic damages.

Can a drunk driver’s passengers sue the driver for injuries?

Yes, passengers injured in accidents caused by drunk drivers have the right to sue the driver for compensation. However, factors like shared fault or being insured under the same policy may impact the amount of compensation recoverable.

How do you file a lawsuit against a drunk driver in Illinois?

In Illinois, victims of drunk driving accidents can file a lawsuit against the at-fault driver if insurance claims are insufficient or denied. It is crucial to consult with an experienced lawyer to ensure compliance with the statute of limitations.

How can a drunk driving accident lawyer help?

A skilled lawyer can guide you through the legal process, negotiate with insurance companies, gather evidence, and pursue the maximum compensation you deserve. Their expertise in handling drunk driving accident cases can greatly increase your chances of a successful outcome.

What should you do if you are injured by a drunk driver?

If you are injured by a drunk driver, you should seek legal advice to understand your legal options. Filing a lawsuit or pursuing an insurance claim can help you seek justice and compensation for your injuries and damages.

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